Saturday, December 03, 2005

Gearing up for Christmas: ‘Tis the season when we stress out to the max. I have been busy ripping Christmas CDs and filling the living room with holiday cheer while my partner has floured the kitchen with baking and now is unpacking decorations. Just think-in a month we can take it all down again J All the shopping is done-first time in my life I finished before Dec. 1, but it is a good feeling. I remember one Christmas Eve at the mall in a torential downpour-no place to park-I swore never again!

The market had a pullback last week, but ended in a bull rally. I bought some more Google(GOOG) on the pullback and it has made me a bit of pocket change already. I also put a little retail trade on in Sears(SHLD)-hoping for a K-Mart Christmas.

I have been trying desparately to catch up on my pod listening since I missed 10 days of downloads. It is the first of the month again and time to go to and vote for our fav podcasts. Top Of The Pods is still on the top of my list, followed by The Official Lost Podcast. A new listen is The Roadhouse-blues, baby. A weekly show of the ‘best blues you never heard.’ It is great music and worth a listin. You can find it on itunes.

I am still waiting for my Xbox 360-I hope I get it befroe the new Playstation comes out next spring. I was so made at Microsoft and their so-called marketing strategy that I sold all my shares in the stock.

So now I must go back to the shop and work on some orders for Christmas.
P.S We have our first snow-I will add a picture later.


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